22nd Annual Oxford Dance Symposium Call for Papers
The topic for 2020 is Watching Dance, Dancers and Audiences
Organised by Michael Burden and Jennifer Thorp, the Conference will take place at New College, Oxford on 21st & 22nd April 2020. .
The Oxford Dance Symposia focus on the technique, practice and philosophy of dance during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, and we always welcome papers on any aspect of dance during this period.
Each year, however, we have a light touch theme that is central to the programme to which participants are invited to respond if they wish. The theme for 2020 will be ‘watching dance, dancers and audiences’ as always, to be interpreted as broadly as possible. It can, for example, include theatrical performances, communal dancing, private lessons, the physiology of dance, such as Weaver’s Mechanical Lectures or medical claims that dancing was healthy exercise, and recording dances.
Those wishing to submit abstracts (200 words) and a biography (150 words) should do so to jacqui.julier@new.ox.ac.ukby 22nd November 2019.