
38th EDC Annual Festival’s Weekend

For the second year, the annual Early Dance Circle Festival took place online. The Festival brought back performances recorded in the past and highlighted projects running during the COVID times. The online format offered the opportunity of inviting international speakers from Europe and Australia and sharing performances which not everyone could see. Congratulations to Frances Campbell for winning the “Fans, Flounces & Furbelows” competition! Frances took the prize for the best theme-dressed person for the second year. Here are some of the snapshots of the wonderful and fun weekend.

Thank you very much to everyone who made this Festiva special and memorable: contributors, MCs, techies, admins, and guests, and supporters. Thank you very much to those who registered for the Festival. Your support is important for our small charity to continue with our mission of promoting early dance practice and research in the UK. The 38th Festival is now over. Those who missed it, the performances and recordings will be available on the EDC YouTube channel later. We are now looking forward to 2022 with the hope to gather in person in a wonderful Victoria Hall in Tring. Le Festival est Fini Salue le Festival!