The Benefits of Membership

Membership in the Early Dance Circle

Members reap the benefits of their committee’s hard work in organising regular events and other means to share and develop their passion for early dance. Members too are eligible for a range of bursaries and awards.

New Members

If you are considering becoming a new member of the EDC please follow the instructions here.

Renewals and Updating

For membership renewal and updating your contact details see here.

The Early Dance Circular

The Circular contains news, views and reviews about early dance, with comment and debate, as well as previews of forthcoming events. It is sent free to members three times a year – in January, May and September. For information or to propose a submission contact: and mark “FAO Sharon Butler”

Click here to view an example circular

Your Listings on the Early Dance Circle Website and Social Media

Members can list their details on our website. Our Groups and Classes pages offer a description, dates of meetings and contact details.  Our Early Dance Calendar lists special learning days, Weekend and Summer Schools, balls, dances, displays and exhibitions etc. We use our Social Media to spread the word about Calendar events. Please send your prospective listings to

Easy Access to current research and practice in early dance

The EDC Biennial Conference is key to this aspect of our work. Our Publications, Events and the EDC’s library, the National Research Centre for Historical Dance are all helpful sources of information. In our Resources section we provide an overview and bibliographies on all periods of early dance and EDC publishes a range of papers on this website under the title Research Issues. The committee is always willing to offer individual  advice. Just contact the EDC secretary at

Advance notification of events

The three regular mailings made to members each year, our social media and email provide publicity material and booking information for numerous early dance events, including those not hosted by EDC.

Discounted prices

Members pay less for events organised by the EDC, including the Early Dance Festival, which is held in the autumn each year at different venues around the UK. They may also have access to some promotional codes for public events or accommodation.

Publicity for your events

  • Your flyers: you can send out your own publicity material in one of our regular mailings (£10 for members; £15 for non-members). Post your flyers and payment to EDC Secretary, 83 Longton Avenue, London SE26 6RF.
  • Video clips of your performances are welcome on our YouTube platform at:

Bursaries and Awards

Members and member groups are eligible to apply for funding for their own projects in historical dance. The EDC can offer help in many ways. For example, it can help provide funding for expert teaching for a class or a weekend, attendance at a UK early dance school to build personal dance skills, travel to a relevant conference to give a paper, or backing for a research project or a publication. Full information is at Awards & Bursaries


Insurance cover is available for events mounted for, or in association with, the Early Dance Circle. For advice about individual or group insurance, contact We can help with finding insurers and the kind of cover it is wise to have.