Barbara Segal receives the Peggy Dixon Award for 2018
Traditionally, the Peggy Dixon Award to reward outstanding services to early dance is presented at the EDC Biennial Conference. On 19 May 2018, the recipient was Barbara Segal. For many years, Barbara has devoted herself to her passion for all aspects of early dance.
Inspirational dancer, teacher and historian of many periods of historical dance, Barbara is a living embodiment of the power of dance and a dear friend of many in the early dance and early music world. A founder member of the Early Dance Circle, Barbara has worked steadily since then to further its aims for early dance, acting as Membership Secretary, Conference Organiser (and Editor of its Proceedings) and very often running its annual Festivals as well.
Barbara’s regular classes in London, and elsewhere, attract a dedicated following and as Director of The Chalemie School of Baroque Dance, Early Music, Costume & Commedia, she (with Bill) has created an immersive experience that has led many to early dance and music theatre, particularly of the 18th century.
As a baroque dancer of outstanding sensitivity and musicality, Barbara is quietly famous. She has performed and taught throughout Europe, the Baltic States, Russia, the USA and Australia. She trains singers in baroque gesture, has toured for many organisations and has frequently taught early dance to degree students in the UK. Each summer, she teaches and performs in Krakow at their long-running Festival of Court Dance.
When Barbara steps on to the floor, dance comes alive.