
Early Modern Dance: Politics and Pleasure — Friday 12 May, 1:30 – 7:30 pm

The King’s College London Centre for Early Modern Studies is offering a Dance Workshop. Four lectures will accompany an interactive dance workshop of one and a half hours with Baroque dance specialist Philippa Waite. Speakers and topics include:

Sara Smart, “German Court Ballet of the 17th & 18th Centuries: Tradition and Development”

Barbara Ravehofer, “Grim Pleasures: The Dance of Death in Medieval and Early Modern Culture”

Helen Watanabe O’Kelly, “Majesty on Horseback: European Rulers and the Haute Ecole”

Julia Prest, “M Jourdain goes to Saint-Domingue: The Politics of Dance in the French Caribbean Colonies”.

Attendance is free, but please book at: