
Guidance on Bursary Awards for Students

The EDC welcomes applications from anyone who would like to learn more about the practice of early dance through continuous study with expert teachers. Dancers, actors, musicians, students of history etc are all eligible for support, as the aims of our programme set out below.

The Aims of EDC Bursary Awards

  1. To encourage the acquisition of advanced historical dance skills by those likely to promote the enjoyment, performance and study of Early Dance in the UK, whether they apply their knowledge to musical, historical, theatrical or research activities
  2. To help support the ongoing excellent provision of historical dance teaching in the UK
  3. To offer some financial assistance for those students with talent and commitment who are unable to afford full UK tuition fees
  4. To publish annually, in the Early Dance Circular, reports from Bursary students (minimum 200 words) on their learning as a means to publicising what opportunities are available for in-depth study of early dance in the UK. Reports are due within one month of the completion of the course attended and should be sent to secretary@earlydancecircle.co.uk .

Bursaries cannot be deferred from one year to the next, but applicants may reapply.

Applying for Extended Courses (usually up to one week)

Bursaries are for amounts up to £400 per school.

Individual Candidates should complete the application form on the EDC website and submit it, along with a reference, to the Director/Organiser at any one of the following UK early dance schools:

Cambridge Early Music: The Baroque Course in dance and stagecraft (Cambridge), https://www.cambridgeearlymusic.org/baroque-summer-school/

Chalemie School Course in Baroque Dance (Oxford, Easter, annually) http://www.chalemie.co.uk/SummerSchool.htm

Consort de Danse Baroque Summer School (Cardiff, August, annually) http://www.ukbaroquedance.com/summer/

Please note: The Historical Dance Society Summer School runs a bursary programme of its own.

All successful applicants for an extended bursary will receive one year’s free Membership in the Early Dance Circle, starting in the October following the summer school.

For an EDC Bursary Application Form for Extended Courses in Acrobat PDF format, see here:

Bursary Form PDF.

Applying for Weekend Courses in Early or Historical Dance

The EDC makes limited funds available annually to help UK dance groups provide expert historical dance tuition via a two-day course (usually a weekend), either for those unable to afford payment or to help ensure viability for the course itself. Any course EDC supports should be advertised and open to others outside the host group. Up to four £100 grants will be available annually.

Group Leaders should apply directly to the EDC via  secretary@earlydancecircle.co.uk, setting out details of the nature of their course, its teacher and the purpose of the grant. On completion of the course and receipt of a brief report on its outcomes, the award will be made.

Selection Process

The selection of all candidates for extended courses is undertaken by the Directors/Group Leaders of the individual early dance courses. Notification of awards, however, will be made by the Early Dance Circle. The process of selection is confidential.

The EDC reserves the right not to award bursaries, if we think it appropriate, or to increase their number.