Janet Hauton Grants Awarded
January 2023
Medieval Music in the Dales – Transitions: The 15th Century: Dance was a major component of the festival in 2023, with a Study Day devoted to 15th century dance, as well as two workshops and a number of performances. Many members of EDC took part.
March 2021
Hilary Burlock: support for the dancing provided by the Bath Minuet Company and subsequent video production as part of a conference on the role of Bath’s Assembly Rooms, for the 250th anniversary of the opening of one of the most important dance-related institutions of Georgian Britain.
Alena Shmakova: assistance towards a multi-dimensional project entitled “Scotch steps and dances during George IV visit to Scotland in 1822”
June 2019
Evelyn Nallen, Director of the Weaver Ensemble: to fund a video of Pygmalion at the Georgian Theatre Royal in Richmond, using the Weaver Ensemble’s videographer.
March 2019
Sally Petchey: an award towards the publication of her edition of Ignatius Sancho, Dances for a Princess, a previously unknown collection of Cotillions and Country Dances dedicated to The Princess Royal in 1776.
September 2014
Mary Collins: an award towards the filming of 4 dancers over 4 days as part of the preparation of A Plaine & Easie Introduction to Baroque Dance & the Performance of its Music. This publication and its accompanying DVD, CDs and IT programmes, will provide the first truly comprehensive guide to understanding the intrinsic nature of the most popular dance forms of the baroque era.
June 2014
RegencyDances.org: an award to fund the recording of a CD of authentic dance music from the period 1770-1835, Late Georgian to Regency, as outlined in the grant proposal presented by Dr Garth Notley. https://RegencyDances.org. This award has come to fruition, adding a goodly number of Regency dances to those available to historical dancers worldwide. To view and perhaps purchase, see:
Twelve Cotillions by Giovanni Gallini, 1770
Country Dances by Thomas Skillern, 1781
Country Dances by Thomas Wilson, 1809-1819
Three Quadrilles by Thomas Wilson, 1817
Country Dances by Thomas Straight, 1779-1784
Twelve Cotillions by James Longman, 1768
or http://RegencyDances.org/music.php
March 2014
Philippa Waite: an award towards the Telemann Dance Project to produce a CD and booklet of dances, notated in Beauchamp-Feuillet notation, choreographed to the music from Telemann’s wedding suite: Hochzeit-Divertissement. www.ukbaroquedance.com