Inspired by videos from the Paris National Opera, the St Petersburg Mikhailovsky Theatre, and others, some members of the Historical Dance Community have put together a similar video for the International Day of Dance (the 29th of April 2020).
This spontaneous initiative expresses their gratitude and support for all those who work with such dedication and courage to protect and support early dance. It was also the desire to bring some fun to all of us living in lockdown and isolation and hopefully making the confinement a bit more cheerful. Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude and love to professionals in the field of Historical Dance who may struggle because of the cancellation of performances, classes, balls and events.
Inspired by videos from the Paris National Opera, the St Petersburg Mikhailovsky Theatre, and others created by the ballet community worldwide, some members of the Historical Dance Community came up with the idea of creating a similar video for the International Day of Dance (the 29th of April 2020). This spontaneous initiative was the result of our desire to express our gratitude and support to all those who work with dedication and courage to protect and support us. It was also the desire to bring some fun to the rest of us living in lockdown and isolation and hopefully making the confinement a bit more cheerful. Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude and love to professionals in the field of Historical Dance who may struggle during this downtime of the performances, classes, balls and events.We are grateful to Concerto Caledonia ( and Historical Dance Society ( for their support of our initiative and permission to use their music. About 20 historical dancers from 6 different countries took part in creating this video. More details about the project: #earlydance #dance@home #keepdancing #danceduringcorona #internationaldayofdance2020
The art of dance is one of the earliest and longest-standing forms of entertainment and social bonding. In spite of Covid19, this year let's celebrate…