Nonsuch History & Dance – Online Club
FROM FALL TO SPRING: six months for studying six centuries of dance! Starting in October 2020! Join Darren Royston, celebrated choreographer and teacher, for online sessions exploring historical dances from medieval periods to the nineteenth century. Darren, together with guest teachers, artists, specialists, and friends, will recreate historical dance using music, paintings, costumes, history and drama from different periods.
HOW THE ONLINE SESSIONS WORK Two hours dance classes including physical warm-ups, Laban-based movement training exercises, a historical dance technique class with a demonstration of original choreographies and finishing with a discussion as a chance to chat and socialise. Notes will be provided one week in advance before the class, and some preparation of reading, online surfing, listening to music, and studying dance and art samples is recommended between the classes.
HOW TO BOOK Tickets are bookable from EVENTBRITE or Admission: £10 per class / £8 for Members of NONSUCH HISTORY AND DANCE Membership of NONSUCH costs £18 per year. Bursaries are also available: please contact NONSUCH for further details. Contact: Preliminary Schedule 2020 Series One: (5 classes over 3 months)
SESSION 1: Sunday 25thOctober Medieval Realms: Estampie & Basse Danse.
SESSION 2: Sunday 15th November The Italian 15th Century Renaissance.
SESSION 3: Sunday 29th November Elizabethan England and the Art of Orchesography
SESSION 4: Sunday 13th December Renaissance Revels
SESSION 5: Sunday 27th December Christmas is Restored: Revels for All
2021 Series Two: (5 sessions over 3 months) BOOKING WILL OPEN IN NOVEMEBER FOR THE SECOND SERIES