
Oxford Symposium 2019, ‘Reading Dance’: Call for Papers

The 21st Annual Oxford Dance Symposium will take place at New College, Oxford on 23rd & 24th April 2019, organised by Michael Burden and Jennifer Thorp.

from Kellom Tomlinson, The Art of Dancing 1735Each year, this symposium has a light touch theme that is central to the programme to which participants are invited to respond if they wish. The theme for 2019 will be ‘reading dance’ in all its forms. ‘Reading’ has come to mean the end process of ‘analyzing a text’, and in this symposium, we welcome discussions of how aspects of dance convey meaning, and how patterns of content and language shape such portrayals.

Those wishing to submit abstracts (of 200 words) should do so to by
21st November 2018. For any other information, please contact: or