Passamezzo Early Dance Upcoming events
28 / 29 May Hampton Court Castle Herefordshire
9 June Ludlow schools day Ludlow Castle
18 / 19 June Wellingborough Medieval Festival and Leominster Medieval Pageant
23 July Hereford History Day
11 / 12 Sept Cattle of Mortimers Cross at Croft Castle
+ Passamezzo performing as “Polyhymnia” with Edinburgh Renaissance Band –
18, 19, 20, August Edinburgh Fringe Festival at St Mark’s Edinburgh – see Fringe Guide for details
Classes with Robin Benie:
9 June Ludlow schools day at Ludlow Castle
21st August Renaissance Dance Workshop day at Carlops Village Hall – email robin@polyhymnia for details
Ludlow Women’s room Tuesday evenings 8:00 pm.
Lion Ballroom Thursday evenings 8:00 pm.
More information visit:
or email