In early dance we tend to be more than a little preoccupied with the past, however, for the EDC to have relevance in the 21st century we must become more future focused and ask where the next generation of Early Dancers and Early Dance researchers will come from.
This paper outlines and develops different ways of taking early dance to children, students and adults. It suggests a curriculum that can be imported to places where people already meet (and possibly dance) socially and sets out ways to promote, deliver and develop that curriculum. It suggests ways that we can present historical dance to show its relevance to British society today. Children will always need to learn how society functions; social dance is able to teach manners, turn taking, self control/discipline and team work. Dance can also teach physical skills such as balance and agility as well as the more obvious history lessons. In times of austerity, people need to feel a sense a community, to feel a connection with others; social dance can fulfil this.
Maxine Horne