
The Annual Jane Austen Festival is coming up!

The Festival runs from 13-22 September.
Priority booking for Festival Friends opens on Monday 17th June. Tickets go on general sale from Bath Box Office on Monday 1st July. Visit:

GET IN EARLY TO BOOK! Once again the Jane Austen Dancers will be playing a major part in these celebrations. We’re told that the Day of Dance on Monday 16 September will be very special this year. Their performance in the evening is especially recommended.

9:30am to 12:00pm      –       As danced on TV – Beginners Dance Workshop (Day of Dance Part 1) – 90 minutes in the Assembly Rooms Bath.

Join callers from The Jane Austen Dancers for a fun session covering a selection of simpler dances used in TV productions of Austen novels. Aimed at those with little or no experience, or the more experienced dancer wanting to start our Day of Dance at a slower pace.

JAD – As Danced on TV – Beginners Workshop

1:30pm to 3:00 pm        –        As danced on TV – Improvers Dance Workshop – (Day of Dance Part 2), also in the Assembly Rooms.

A delightful session covering a selection of harder dances from TV productions of Austen novels.  For those with some country dance experience, including those who have attended the morning workshop

JAD – As Danced on TV – Improvers Workshop

3:30pm to 5:00pm       –          Yours very affectionately, Jane – a narrated performance – (Day of Dance part 3), Assembly Rooms.

To end the Day of Dance, sit back and enjoy the Jane Austen Dancers dancing alongside material from Jane’s personal letters and news of the day. Some audience participation.                                                  

Yours very affectionately, Jane – narrated Performance