
Workshops and events from Bedford Early Dance and Music

Bedford Early Dance and Music organises historical dance workshops and social events in and around Bedford.

For more information contact David Parsons bedmg1[at]

Website information LINK

A Season of Regency Dancing 2017–18
Saturdays 30 September, 28 October, 25 November 2017, 27 January and 24 February 2018, 2–6 pm
Led by Anne Daye

Sixteenth-Century Italian Dances
Saturdays 24 March and 28 April 20182­–6 pm
Led by Hazel Dennison

Price £10 (£5 for each half of the Regency workshops)

Location: Brickhill Community Centre Upper Hall, Avon Drive, Bedford, MK41 7AF


A Victorian Christmas Party
Brickhill Community Centre Upper Hall, Avon Drive, Bedford, MK41 7AF
Saturday 13 January 2017, 3–7 pm Joint event with Bedford Gallery Quire
A dance and music celebration with Christmas cheer, inspired by the Bronte family. Family and friends welcome. More information will be available on the website during the autumn.

Advance notice
Renaissance dance day course
Baldock Arts and Heritage Centre
The Old Town Hall, High Street, Baldock, SG7 6AR
Saturday 7th April, 10 am – 5 pm

A HDS Local day course in association with the Historical Dance Society led by Hazel Dennison.
Details will be available later. Booking will be required for this event.