
World Commedia dell’Arte Day is here again and so is London’s Own Commedia Festival!

"Pulcinella's Progress" through Rotherhithe

“Pulcinella’s Progress” through Rotherhithe

Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 February 2019 will see fun & dancing, street theatre & processions, workshops, films and performances in Rotherhithe.

Children & their parents can join the parade and watch the dancers and Commedia players.

Zannis will be dancing everywhere!

Zannis will be dancing everywhere!

Venues include the Norwegian Church and The Bubble Theatre nearby, but the  information desk will be at Sands Film Studios & Cinema, 82 St Marychurch Street, Rotherhithe, SE16 4HZ.

For full information see the programme: So this is Commedia

More information about the Workshop on the Elizabethan Jig can be found at Workshop on the Elizabethan Jig.

You can book all events at