The EDC is always happy to offer any help it can to emerging historical dance groups, whatever period they love to dance. We hope that this page will be helpful for both organisers and teachers.… continue reading
The Weaver Ensemble, led by Evelyn Nallen, offers an evening of music, song, and dance from the London stage of the 1700s, focused on the works of the celebrated English dancer, choreographer, and scholar, John… continue reading
May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill. And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas! continue reading
Call for Papers: Dance, Costume and Scenography Deadline: 22 November 2022 The 25th Annual Oxford Dance Symposium will take place on 18th & 19th April 2023 organised by Michael Burden and Jennifer Thorp. Keynote Speaker:… continue reading
Calling all members! The AGM takes place Sunday 20 November at 10:30 AM on Zoom. The joining link and documents were sent to your emails. Get in touch if you have not received them. Come… continue reading
We are looking forward to meeting old friends and new ones this weekend in Tring to share our passion for Historical Dance. Thank you and best of luck to our wonderful performers: Apollo’s Revels, Dance… continue reading
Celebrate early dance at the upcoming Festival in Tring (21 - 23 October), enjoy an evening of 18th century dance & music with the Weaver Ensemble on 15 January 2023, learn about the 15th century… continue reading
Congratulation to our colleagues, friends and members at the Hampshire Regency Dancers celebrating their 20th anniversary this year. What a celebration of 20 years of dancing without the Ball! Image courtesy Heritage Focus Photography. We… continue reading
Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Elizabeth dances arms linked with Lady Pamela Mountbatten and the Duke of Edinburgh during an eightsome reel at The Saddle Club Dance, Malta. December 1949 continue reading
Congratulations to dancers receiving Early Dance Circle Bursaries to attend summer schools this year: Mary Forey for Chalemie Summer course in baroque dance with Barbara Segal, Kath Waters for the baroque course with Mary Collins… continue reading