Past EDC Annual Lectures

Past Annual Lectures

2024 Dr Lynsey McCulloch
Dance Stillness and the Early Modern Image
Swedenborg Hall, 20 Bloomsbury Way, London

2023 Prof. Barbara Ravelhofer
Game Over? The Dance of Death in the Visual Arts and Performed Experience
Swedenborg Hall, 20 Bloomsbury Way, London

2022 Carlos Blanco (Conference replacement lecture)
Spanish Dance Treatises of the 16th & 17th centuries: Do they fill a gap between the Renaissance and the Baroque?
Presented on Zoom

2021 Margaret McGowan (Conference replacement lecture)
The interplay between Professional and Amateur dancers in Early Modern Festivals.
Presented on Zoom

2021 Jennifer Nevile
I had to fight with the painters, master carpenters, actors, musicians and the dancers: Rehearsals, Performance Problems and Audience Reaction in Renaissance Spectacles
Presented on Zoom

2020 Jennifer Thorp
Patrons and Pirates: Publishing Dance in the Eighteenth Century
Swedenborg Hall, 20 Bloomsbury Way, London

2019 Mike Rendell
Best foot forward – Georgian Style: Waltzing through History
Swedenborg Hall, 20 Bloomsbury Way, London

2018 Millicent Hodson & Kenneth Archer
The Continual Triumph of Apollo: Nijinsky’s Sarabande, Ballets Russes Baroque & Diaghilev’s Love Affair with the 18th Century
The Sands Studios, Rotherhithe

2017 Keith Cavers
Dancers’ pictures and where to find them: Researching the early iconography of the dance
The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London

2016 Christine Jackson
European Travel and the Rise of Renaissance Gentility in England
The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London

2015 Ulinka Rublack
Moving in Renaissance: Dress the First Book of Fashion
The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London

2014 Stuart Hopps
Waltzing with Shakespeare: the Choreographer’s Challenge
The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London

2013 Katherine Duncan-Jones
When Kemp did dance alone-a: the active career of William Kemp
The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London

2012 Irene Brandenburg
Dance in eighteenth century opera: Gluck, Mozart and Idomeneo
The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London

2011 Georgina Boyes
…our dancers will appear: popular culture and early records of English traditional dance.
The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London

2010 Barbara Sparti
The Multi-Faceted Moresca: the Italian Tradition of Pantomimic Ballet
The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London

2009 Humphrey Burton, CBE
Fun and Fancy Free – Leonard Bernstein and dances from History
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2008 Ian Chipperfield – Staymaker
A Laboured Hoop to Ornament the Fair:
comparing and contrasting the 16th century farthingale, the 18th century hoop and the 19th century crinoline, looking at their effect on deportment and movement

St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2007 Dr. Anne Bloomfield
Agent of the Enlightenment: the significance of the Dancing Master in creating a civilised society in the 18th century
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2006 Anne Daye
The Queen’s Revels: Henrietta Maria and the Stuart masque
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2005 Barbara Segal
Heroes and Harlequins: dance & pantomime on the English stage in the early 18th century
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2004 Ellis Rogers
The Image in the Mirror – social dance as the reflection of its society
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2003 David Wilson
But how do you know how they danced so long ago?
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2002 Barry Grantham
The Dancer as Actor: lessons from the Commedia dell’Arte
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2001 Geraldine Stephenson
Swirling Skirts Fill the Screen
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

2000 Jack Edwards
Staging 17th- and 18th-century Baroque opera
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

1999 Peter Holman
When is a Dance not a Dance?
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

1998 Jeremy Barlow
The Minuet Remembered
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

1997 Stanley Glasser
Let’s Face the Music and Dance
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

1996 Margaret McGowan
Royal Ballet in 17th C France: Continuities and Change in Dancing and Design
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

1995 Roger Savage
Purcell and Theatrical Dance
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

1994 Joan Rimmer
On the Coranto
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

1992 Mary Collins
Early Dance in Education
St Bride’s Institute, Fleet Street, London

1991 Peggy Dixon
Early Dance in Perspective
Royal Academy of Dance, 36 Battersea Square, London

1990 Peter Brinson
The Nobility of Dance
Central Halls, Westminster, London

1989 Molly Kenny
Claims to a Dance Inheritance
Byron Theatre, Old Cavendish Street, London

1988 Belinda Quirey
The Inaugural Lecture
Bel Salto
The Place, St Pancras, London