Publication Order Form

Early Dance Circle

Registered Charity No. 1097746

The EDC will not share your personal data and will use it only to communicate with you about our activities and to provide information about events in the early dance world.

Order Form

No of Copies Title Price per copy, P&P on application
….. Retrieving & Reconstructing the Past through Dance [2022 Conference]


….. Perception & Reception of Early Dance [2018 Conference]


….. Terpsichore & her Sister Arts [2016 Conference]


…..  Ballroom, Stage & Village Green: Contexts for Early Dance [2014 Conference]


….. Dance and Society [2012 Conference]


….. Dance and Heritage [2010 Conference]


….. Dancing Master or Hop Merchant? [2008 Conference]


….. Masks, Masques & Masquesrades [2006 Conference]


….. The Great Divide? [2004 Conference]


….. Restoration of Charles II [2002 Conference]


….. Education and Early Dance [1998 Conference]


….. Belinda Quirey and Historical Dance [1996 Conference]


….. DVDs of EDC Festivals


….. The Giorgio Manuscript c1517


….. Sources for Early Renaissance Dance


….. 101 Italian Dances (c.1450 – c.1510)


….. Domenico of Piacenza,  transcribed


….. Steps used in Court Dancing in 15th century Italy


….. Historical Playford, interpreted


….. Paine’s Quadrilles


….. The Arbeau Branles


….. The History of Blind Dance


….. Ignatius Sancho, Twelve English Country Dances


….. Dances for a Princess, Ignatius Sancho


TOTAL    £ ______________________________

Prices include postage and packing.

Payment may be made by cheque, payable to The Early Dance Circle. Foreign payments should be made in £ sterling, free of all charges to the recipient, e.g. by Post Office Giro, International Money Order or Bankers’ Draft.

Payment can be arranged by BACS (Bank Transfer) or PayPal on request. Please contact for further information.

NAME ………………………………………………………………………………

ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………………



Please send me the publications indicated above.

I enclose my cheque, payable to the Early Dance Circle, for £…………

Please either print the form above and return to:
EDC Publications, Flat 6, Chantry Hall, Dane John, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2QS, UK
OR contact us by email to for further payment options.

Remember that your cheque should be payable to the Early Dance Circle.

The Early Dance Circle is a Registered Charity, No. 1097746.

© The Early Dance Circle