Early Dance Classes and Teachers

Name Dance Tuition Locations Contact Details
Alena Shmakova Baroque, Regency, Scottish repertoire Edinburgh danse.antique@gmail.com,
Tel: 07943 594063,
Web Site
Ann & Paul Kent Historical Dance from 1440 – 1740 Huddersfield hudds_earlydance@btinternet.com,
Tel: 01484 663842
Ann Hinchliffe Dances done in Britain from mediaeval to Regency periods. North West UK thedancingmaster@outlook.com,
Tel: 01935 472771
Anne Daye Director of Education & Research HDS (formerly the Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society); Renaissance, Playford, Regency — both practice and theory Bedford education@historicaldance.org.uk,
Tel: 01234 214103
Barbara Segal A leading specialist in Baroque, Renaissance, Playford & Regency. London (Sundays) & Winchester London, Winchester barbara.segal@chalemie.co.uk,
Tel: 020 7619 9855,
Web Site
Basingstoke Early Dance Renaissance Italian 15th & 16th century, French Burgundian, First Ed. Playford, Elizabethan/Jacobean/Carolean Basingstoke secretary@renaissancefootnotes.uk,
Web Site
Bath Minuet Company Social and Court Dance of the 18th Century, 2nd Friday of the month excl. August Bath chairman@bathminuet.co.uk,
Tel: 07785 108570,
Web Site
Bedford Early Dance and Music Italian Renaissance, Elizabethan & Stuart Dance & Regency Bedford djparsons.me.uk/bedm/,
Tel: (44) 1234 853637
Cait Webb 15th century Italian, Burgundian and English; Every Friday 7-9 pm Edinburgh info@gaita.co.uk,
Tel: 0131 557 2397,
Web Site
Capriol Society for Early Dance Early Medieval, Renaissance, Tudor, Elizabethan, Playford, 14th – 17th century Cambridge angela.dyer1947@gmail.com,
Tel: 01799 521527,
Web Site
Cathie Bowness Early dance events, lectures and demos   ladyandfool@yahoo.co.uk,
Tel: 07771 934523
Chris and Ellis Rogers 19th century — Regency & Victorian Orpington, Kent quadrille.ellisrogers@bigfoot.com,
Tel: 01689 600 768,
Web Site
The Assembly ‘Playford’ Country Dance, 2nd Thursday of the month, 2-5 pm.  Lanark, Scotland  nicolasbroadbridge@me.com,
Tel: 01555 662212; 01555 662212
Covent Garden Minuet Company 18th Century Dance Herts secretary@minuetcompany.org,
Tel: 01462 435341,
Web Site
Duke of Wellington’s Dancers Regency Dance, Most classes are on Thursdays, 7:30 – 9:30. Beginners very welcome. Southampton dukesdancers@gmail.com,
Web Site
Dumfries Historical Dance Group Historical Dance — All Periods 12th century to 20th century. Every Tuesday in term time, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Dumfries info@sueknight1918.plus.com,
Tel: 01387 810868
Eboracum Early Dance 11th to 19th Century; Public Workshops and Teaching (see website for details) Private Events and Tutoring (contact for more information) York dancethepast@gmail.com,
Tel: 07760 444827,
Web Site
Farandole Club Fifteenth & Sixteenth Century Dance, Saturday morning 10:00 – 12:00 once a month Saltford ja-simpson1931@uwclub.net,
Tel: 01225 872586
Friday Night Brawlers 15th century Italian, Burgundian and English, Fridays 7-9 pm Edinburgh info@gaita.co.uk,
Tel: 0131 557 2397,
Web Site
Garth Notley Dancing Master for The English Regency Dancers   editors@RegencyDances.org,
Tel: 01962 714508,
Web Site
The Georgettes Georgian Country Dances and Regency – 1700-1820. Meetings: Fridays, 7-9 pm, twice monthly dance classes at St Peter’s Church Hall, First Turn, Wolvercote, Oxford, OX2 8AQ Oxford Web Site
Gloriana Living History 15th Century Italian & English; 16th Century Tudor & Elizabethan; Playford, Mondays fortnightly and some Saturday Schools Stourbridge glorianahistory@gmail.com,
Tel: 07786 744802,
Web Site
Grantham Danserye 3rd Saturday of the month, 2-5 pm Melton Mowbray granthamdanserye@gmail.com,
Tel: 01664 822404,
Web Site
Hampshire Regency Dancers Wednesdays, 8-10pm Winchester info@hrd.org.uk ,
Web Site
Hazel Dennison c1400 on, specialising in Italian Renaissance, Tudor, Elizabethan & Jacobean, French Burgundian & Arbeau Bedford hazel.dennison@ntlworld.com,
Tel: 07961 018074
Hertfordshire Early Dance We host special events and re-create Elizabethan-style entertainments, such as the May Revels Berkhamsted info@hertsearlydance.org.uk,
Tel: 01442 862545,
Web Site
Historical Dance Society 15th – 19th century theatre and social dance, Annual Summer Schools and Workshops Bedford
Tel: 01234 214103,
Web Site
Historical Dance Through The Ages 15th century Dance, Italian Renaissance, Tudor, Playford & Regency Chesterfield
Tel: 01623 632519
Jane Austen Dancers of Bath Regency / the Jane Austen Era /Late Georgian, on Wednesdays Bath events@janeaustendancersbath.co.uk,
Tel: 07966 079888,
Web Site
Jane Austen Dancers of Bradford on Avon Regency Dance, alternate Mondays Bradford-on-Avon jkandmgreaves@ukonline.co.uk,
Tel: 01225 863228
Libby Curzon The Dances of the Regency Ballroom, Playford and Victorian. Surbiton & London mrsbennetsballroom@gmail.com,
Web Site
Liz Bartlett Historical dance 1651 – 1838, Playford, Georgian, Regency, specialising in Jane Austen Chippenham & Bath jadregencydanceevents@gmail.com,
Tel: 07966 079888
Web Site
Lynne Spicer Fifteenth to Nineteenth centuries (not Baroque). Regular classes with Grantham Danserye, Rutland Renaissance Dancers and Bonnets and Breeches Dance Society. East Midlands granthamdanserye@gmail.com
Malcolm McDonald I teach all varieties of Early Dance, especially post-1700 Baroque. I have run U3A and other dance groups in the UK and was a maitre à danser in France for a number of years. Yeovil Tel: 07732 307288
Mary Collins A leading specialist in Renaissance & Baroque Dance, Mary is noted for her expressive performances and directing skill. Nuneaton mary.t_collins@yahoo.co.uk,
Web Site
Mrs Bennett’s Ballroom Dances of the Regency Ballroom, Playford and Victorian. Classes: alternate Wednesday evenings at St Marks Church Hall, Church Hill Road, Surbiton, KT6 4LS. There is also a monthly Sunday dance workshop (1:30-5 pm) at St Pancras Church House, Lancing Street, London NW1 1NA Surbiton Web Site
Nonsuch History and Dance Company History and Dance from the Middle Ages to the 1950’s   info@nonsuchdance.co.uk,
Tel: 07702 975988,
Web Site
Norwich Historical Dance Dances from the 14th to the 19th century, in their historical context. Thursday evenings. Norwich amandawill75@hotmail.com,
Tel: 01603 458447,
Web Site
Passamezzo Early Dance Medieval and Elizabethan, Thursday evenings 8.00 – 10.00 p.m Leominster alancapriole@talktalk.net or rbenie@aol.com,
Tel: 01989 762159,
Pastime Historical Dance Renaissance Dance to Regency, Saturday, twice monthly   Web Site
Paul Harris 16th-20th Century Dance for the context of Acting. Paul has taught and choreographed historical dance in film, tv, theatre and drama schools, for many years. London Web Site
Philippa Waite London: Sundays monthly 11- 4; Gloucester: Mondays 6:30 – 8 & 8 – 9:30; Cardiff Fridays 7-9; Bath Saturdays monthly 11 -4. All levels, beginners welcome. London, Gloucester, Cardiff, Bath philippa@ukbaroquedance.com,
Tel: (029) 2115 2015,
Web Site
Renaissance Historical Dance Society Medieval, Renaissance, Stuart & Regency Dance, Wednesdays Plymouth louisemanico@outlook.com,
Tel: 07967 750302,
Web Site
Rutland Renaissance Dancers Meetings: weekly on Wednesday evenings 7.30 to 9.30 pm, at The Christie Hall, Elton Road, Wansford nr. Peterborough PE8 6JS Wansford jpkmobrien@btinternet.com
Tudor Dance Group Medieval, Tudor, Stuart & Victorian; 1st Saturday of month 10:00 to 12:00 or 10.00 to 3:00 Exeter elizabeththurgood@hotmail.com,
Tel: 01404 831512,
Web Site