Early Dance Groups and Societies

Name Dance Styles Locations
The Assembly ‘Playford’ Country Dance Lanark Scotland
Basingstoke Early Dance Renaissance Italian 15th & 16th century, French Burgundian, First Ed. Playford, Elizabethan/Jacobean/Carolean Basingstoke
Bath Minuet Company Social and Court Dance of the Eighteenth Century Bath
Bedford Early Dance and Music Group Italian Renaissance, Elizabethan & Stuart Dance and some Regency Bedford
Capriol Society for Early Dance Early Medieval, Renaissance, Tudor, Elizabethan, Playford, 14th -17th century Cambridge
Chalemie Baroque, Renaissance, Playford, Regency London
Consort de Danse Baroque Baroque Cardiff
Contretemps Baroque, Renaissance, Playford, Regency London
Covent Garden Minuet Company 18th Century dances London
Duke of Wellington’s Dancers Regency Southampton
Dumfries Historical Dance Group Various Dumfries
Eboracum Early Dance Various York
Farandole Club 15th & 16th Century Dance Saltford
Friday Night Brawlers/Gaita 15th century Italian, Burgundian & English  
The Georgettes Georgian Country Dances and Regency – 1700-1820. Oxford
Gloriana Living History 15th Century Italian & English; 16th Century Tudor & Elizabethan; Playford Stourbridge
Grantham Danserye Dances from the 15th to the 17th centuries; Medieval, Renaissance, Tudor, Elizabethan and Playford Grantham
Greensleeves (the demonstration group for White Rose) Huddersfield
Hampshire Regency Dancers Regency Winchester
Hertfordshire Early Dance 15th to 17th century dance, with musicians, & recreating period entertainments Berkhamsted
The Historical Dance Society 15th -19th century theatre and social dance; Annual Summer Schools; Workshops Doncaster
Jane Austen Dancers of Bath & Bradford-on-Avon Regency, the Jane Austen era, Late Georgian 1775-1830 Bath, Bradford-on-Avon
Les Danses Antiques Baroque, Regency & Victorian Edinburgh
Mercurius Company Performances connect and unify music, dance, theatre and design into a glorious whole. The company aims to extend the understanding of early dance and music via concerts, recitals, lectures, etc. and to provide work experience to young artists. Surbiton & London
Mrs Bennet’s Ballroom Regency Surbiton & London
Nonsuch History and Dance Company Various London
Norwich Historical Dance Dances from the 14th to the 19th century Norwich
Passamezzo Early Dance Historical Music, Dance and Drama. This ensemble specialises in English Elizabethan and Jacobean repertoire, including the masque. Contact: 020 7722 2263; Email passamezzo@aol.com Herefordshire
Pastime Historical Dance Various Orpington
Quadrille Club Victorian Orpington
Renaissance Footnotes (performance group of Basingstoke Early Dance) Basingstoke
Renaissance Historical Dance Society Medieval, Elizabethan, Stuart & Regency Dance Devon
Rutland Renaissance Dancers Contact:  Kathy O’Brien, email: jpkmobrien@btinternet.com Wansford nr. Peterborough
The Tudor Dance Group Medieval, Tudor, Stuart & Victorian Exeter
The Weaver Ensemble Baroque dance, Music, Comedy, Drama, Opera. This ensemble explores and celebrates the work of John Weaver, 18th century writer and dance impresario.  
White Rose Early Dance Historical Dance from 1440-1740 Huddersfield