This paper will examine dance as a signifier/definer of social status. The common man will be identified as one who works with his hands usually defined as Artisan or Peasant. The work will examine how such a man is represented and recognised in performance.
Specific reference will be made to steps, style, bodily stance, gesture, appearance, characterisation and music.
Material will be drawn from the following sources:
Welsh work Mimes c. 1288.
Shepherds and gardeners in 15thc moresche.
Quattro Pastori in the Intermedii di Fetonte, Milan c.1600. Negri.
The dialogues of leone di Somi c.1556.
Arbeau c.1588
F. Beaumont Masque of the Inner Temple 1613.
Lambranzi Theatrical Dancing 1716.
G.Magri. Treatise on Dancing. 1779.
Noverre. Letters on Dancing. 1803.
H. Siddons. Rhetorical Gesture and Action. 1822.
Participants will then be encouraged to try out several practical possibilities devised from some of the source material with a view to stimulating further questioning and research.
Hazel Dennison